Energy industry



Systems for monitoring and forecasting the permissible current load of cable lines are becoming more and more popular among cable users, especially power companies around the world.

In addition to the benefits related to the speed of reacting to changeable states, monitoring systems can use the monitoring of several different objects within the same technology.
Underground cables
Onshore cables
Offshore cables
Energy devices
Fire extinguishing monitoring
Underground cables
precise detection and location of damage to underground cables and cable ducts; monitoring of vibrations around underground infrastructure elements in order to indicate their damage e.g. as a result of interference by third parties, controlling the strains of the power cables to avoid breakage
Onshore cables
cable fault detection and location, temperature monitoring of medium and high voltage power cables, controlling the strains of power cables to avoid interruptions in electricity supply
Offshore cables
temperature and cable breaks detection; identifying acoustic vibrations that indicate loss of cable burial
Energy devices
temperature monitoring of transformers and other power devices of the professional power industry incl. cable ducts, switchboards, transformer stations, busbars
Fire extinguishing monitoring
monitoring of electric power infrastructure facilities, detection of hot spots, deviations from the standard, other changes and temperature hazards, e.g. cable ducts, contactors, cable closets

SensoTransel Systems